Tuesday 30 December 2008

Osiyeza - the homecoming...

So, its 4:00 in the morning... (cue Lennard Cohen) on Dubai airport... and the adventure has officially started for me. After a fabulous night at Ade, Meg and Freya's in the South (involving buckets of mulled wine, great company and the best Christmas pies EVER), I wove a genuine teary eyed goodbye to the UK and loved ones here to troop my way back to "volk and vaderland" for our six month adventure. Excitement mounts as I'm currently half entwined in a shopping trolley, propping up my eyelids with bits of eyelash and sporting a set of British racing pink earplugs through my Medusa like bush of hair. Nothing like trash travelling to drag the drool from your cornerlip. First on my list I plan a productive unpacking and information gathering fiesta like none before, so homies gather your skirts, auntie Elaine's on a mini mission until her chocolate high runs out. Then God help us. See you on the flip side. *e

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